Adriana of Classical Quest

Welcome to Classical Quest. I'm glad you're here!

My name is Adriana: child of God, Christ follower, mother of five. This blog is a journal of my quest through the classics and life. I'm working my way through the book lists compiled by Susan Wise Bauer in The Well Educated Mind: A Guide to the Classical Education You Never Had. I've been engaged in this adventure for over a year.

I only know of one person (other than SWB) who has completed this goal. She called it her BHAG for "Big Hairy Audacious Goal." I expect it will take me at least twelve years to complete my BHAG.

At the Rankin House while researching the life of Harriet Beecher Stowe.

Because of circumstances which were mostly beyond my control, I wasn't able to go to college for very long. In fact, I've only had one professor in my whole life! I took every English/Literature class I could pay for with cash until my resources were needed for other things.

I may never receive academic credit for what I do every day, and that's OK.  (At this point I'm in line behind my five kids!) I learn for love. I learn to live in a deeper more meaningful way. I learn to experience, to grow, to guide, and to encourage you on your life-quest.

I welcome challenging discourse here. If you love classic literature and have insights or criticism for me, please, please share it! I am your grateful student.

But you really don't have to know much about classic lit to be a vital part of the conversation here. We all have stories and experiences to share. The books I'm reading merely create a framework for discussion.

Peace & Joy,



Comments make my day! I read each one and try to respond within 24 hrs. If you choose to comment anonymously, please leave your first name, pen name, or nickname in the comment box along with your comment. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!

