Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What a Blog Is

Classical Quest will soon be one year old! My blogoversary is coming up on January 27th.  Today I'm thinking about what my blog has become for me. Below is a list I jotted in a quick stream-of-consciousness fashion. This morning I dug through my archives to give you links to some examples from my past posts. If you are new to blogging these links may help you consider what your blog could be for you. 

A blog is --

A blog could be many other things as well!
I would love to know what a blog is for you. Please share in the comments!


  1. This is a fun look inside "the meaning of a blog". :)

    1. Thank you Christine. It was a fun post to put together!

  2. Replies
    1. BTW, I went back and reread some of the links, and my favorite is the commonplace book. But, I think what I like most about all of them are the pictures because they generate so many emotions.

    2. Thank you for letting me know how those pictures made you feel. :) Photography is one of my favorite pastimes.

  3. I loved this post. I only read 3 or 4 of your links but I plan to go back & read the rest soon.

    I like the idea that a blog can be whatever we want it to be or a combination of many things. For me it's photo album, letter home, thinking aloud, slice of life, news bulletin ... just to mention a few.

  4. I love this post and your ideas! I hadn't read the piano lesson post before -- what a great way to break down those wordy sentences. :)

  5. I went to the piano lesson post based on what joon*ann said. The idea of ellipses in writing reminds me of what many great jazz musicians say: it's not the notes you play, it's the notes you don't play. I end up not playing a lot of notes on my blog, hoping the ones that stay on the screen are working well.


    P.S. I share something in common with your blog, Adriana, since Jan. 27 is my birthday too! Would you believe that I'm also turning 1? A few years more than 1? A few decades? Somewhere in there anyway!

    1. Alas! If only Nathaniel Hawthorne had shared your view!
      He really made me work hard to get through that intro to The Scarlet Letter!

      I would say that your blog is very jazzy. That's a great way to describe it.

      P.S. Glad to know you and my blog share a birthday. I'll save you a slice of cyber cake! :)

    2. Will it be the apple cake? Whatever it is, I bet it will be virtually yummy!

    3. It really SHOULD be. Nothing would be more appropriate!

  6. "a front porch" - I love that. :-) A safe, peaceful place to talk with dear, trusted friends. That's exactly what a blog should be. :-) XO

    1. That certainly describes your blog, Krista! How delightful to have you as one of my blog neighbors! Blessings dear one! XO


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