Thursday, February 28, 2013

If I could pick a theme song.

It's been one of those days. Two of my little guys are ill with a stomach virus. I've been holding them alternately for hours. Little sips of beef broth and crackers. It just helps to be near Mama when you don't feel well. They are both sleeping peacefully now.

It's rainy and gray outside. I'm pining for Spring and all the adventures we will soon have outside together.

I'm on Chapter 25 of  "The Pride & Prejudice Synchro-Read" on Facebook.  It has been wonderful. I can't believe I've gone this far in life without reading it. I love it when you leave your favorite quotes from the day's reading on my status updates. I love your wit and humor. I'm so blessed to have so many amazing friends for reading pals.

I'm also reading Anne of Green Gables aloud to my kids at night -- also a first time read for me! (Though I was hooked on the movie when I was about thirteen, so I'm very familiar with the characters.)

So that's pretty much all. I just felt like checking in with everyone.

If I could pick a theme song for Classical Quest, it would be the video above. I hope you enjoy it. I sometimes find myself humming it when I'm on my long walks. Maybe if you're feeling a bit blah like me today, it will cheer you. Take care friends. See you tomorrow for my "Friday Quote!"


  1. Summer sky or winter chill
    ... I'm gonna go and take a chance

    Great theme song, Adriana. Hope the kiddos are feeling better when they awaken.

    1. Thank you, Tim. I'm hoping this doesn't go through the whole family. I've there aren't any posts up this wkend, you'll know what happened!

      One of the parts I really like about that song is "If I have to take a break, I will." It's good for me to remember sometimes that taking breaks is OK! :)

  2. So sorry your boys are sick. XO I hope they heal up soon. I LOVE that song. Listened to it twice now and it makes me smile. :-) I'm also reading through my Anne books! :-) They also make me smile. XO

    1. Oh yes, Anne does make me smile. Last night we read the part where Anne and Diana jumped on Great Aunt Josephine who was sleeping the spare room bed. My kids laughed out loud! Timeless. :D

      Glad you liked the song Krista!
      Much love to you, dear one.

  3. Wonderful song! Thanks for sharing it. Sorry to hear about the stomach bug: everything just slows down to a crawl when kids are sick. I hope it doesn't go any farther!

    And you're right, sometimes we need to take a break & be kind to ourselves.

    1. Two huge blessings today, Jeannie:
      1. I had made a giant pot of soup yesterday and there was plenty leftover to reheat for dinner. Whew.

      2. My husband was working out of his home office. A couple times when both boys were throwing up at once, I was able to call for backup!

  4. Neat song. I hope the little ones feel better soon! :) I've been thinking of you today.

    1. I'm so blessed to have you to check on me in this life, Christine. Take care, friend. :)

  5. I have to say, because I forgot what I was saying last night, that "Anne of Green Gables" and "Pride and Prejudice" are two of my very favorites! Hope the little ones are better today.

    1. Somehow I did see this comment when you posted it, Christine. Sorry!

      Update: The virus lasted 6 days. It's officially over!! :)

    2. I meant to say "I didn't see it." Oh my. It's late. I need to go to bed . . .


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