Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Silent Retreat: Part Three -- Pictures for You

Dear Friend,

Enclosed are some pictures I took of my walk around the Spiritual Center while on my silent retreat. Hope you are well. 


P.S. Do you remember what it was like to open the mailbox and find a letter with a dear friend's handwriting on the envelope? I would open these treasures ever-so-carefully with a letter opener. Sometimes as I unfolded the stationery, several photographs would spill unto my lap. Sheer delight! This was my attempt to simulate that experience for you.  ~A


  1. So beautiful, Adriana. The last picture is my favourite: it's like an invitation to stop and rest and reflect before heading on to the next adventure. Thanks for sharing this whole experience with us.

    1. It's been a joy to share with it with friends! Thank you, Jeannie! ♥

  2. No wonder it was a silent retreat. I would have been speechless from the scenery alone.

    1. It wasn't at all difficult to maintain the silence. I wasn't ready for it to end! :-)

  3. Francis with the dove and you holding the acorn are so similar, I can see God's power and peace in each.

    1. Tim, I was so lost in the moment when I photographed the acorn in my hand, that I did not notice until after that a woman was sitting nearby, observing me with a curious expression. :-)

  4. thank you for sharing the pictures! All are lovely.

    I know exactly how it feels like to open a letter from a friend with pictures in it. What excitement! What joy! haha.

    1. You always make me smile, Sheena. It's been a long time since I've opened such a letter! I still receive note cards from time to time though. Glad you know the joy of the experience! :-)


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