Sunday, June 15, 2014

Photo Journal: Spring Silent Retreat

Dear Friend,

My kids are home for the summer and our days are currently full of summerish delights. I nearly forgot that I promised you some pictures of the silent retreat I took at a local Jesuit center last month. Such a peaceful, refreshing experience for my spirit! On the day of the retreat I was recovering from a minor foot injury; I wasn't able to hike down to the river like I did in the autumn. I did make an attempt, but nearly wiped out on the narrow stone path downhill.  So instead, I propped my feet on my folding chair and cuddled under my blanket with a good book. After a couple hours I hobbled back to the pavilion and ate some homemade peanut butter cookies -- the first since my son was diagnosed with a peanut allergy over two years ago! It was hard to eat those cookies silently without groaning with pleasure. I spent the second half of the event in a swing with my journal. The spring blossoms were lovely. I felt grateful for the allergy pill that made the whole event possible. 

Baby food jar candle holder -- a gift from my daughter. Perfectly portable.

Hope you can find some silent moments of refreshment today!
Peace & Joy,

P.S. Here are the links to my "Silent Retreat Series" from last October:

Part One: Learning the Ropes and Getting Settled

Part Two: How to Use a Labyrinth as a Prayer Tool

Part Three: Pictures for You


  1. So much peace and beauty, dear friend. I'm so glad you were able to experience this. :-) XO

    1. Thank you, Krista. I hope to make it a semiannual tradition for a long time to come! :-)

  2. So beautiful, Adriana! That photo with the white trees crossing in the centre is breathtaking. I also love the violets at the bottom of that tree. We have violets just taking over in our back yard b/c we are very lazy gardeners -- they make me think of God's love, or grace, which will persist and bloom in places we didn't even know it was planted! Thanks for giving us a taste of what you experienced on retreat.

    1. Now I will be reminded of God's persistent love & grace when I see wild violets too! Thank you for that, Jeannie!

  3. Thanks for taking us on retreat with you, Adriana. Such a peaceful place to read and reflect and enjoy peanut butter cookies.

    1. I wish I had a peanut butter cookie right now . . .
      Thanks for reading, Tim. :-)


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