Friday, July 11, 2014

Defining the Contemplative Tradition: Quotes by Richard J. Foster

Dear Friend,

I've been listening to Streams of Living Water: Celebrating the Great Traditions of the Christian Faith by Richard J. Foster. If you've followed my blog for any length of time, it won't surprise you that I am drawn to the "Contemplative Stream." The following quotes are Foster's descriptions of what life for the contemplative person is like:

Defining of the Contemplative Tradition
Love. Though time and experience we sense a delicate but deepening love for  God that feels more like a gift than an achievement. In the beginning this love is so quiet and unobtrusive that it is hardly perceptible. John of the Cross calls it a "secret and peaceful and loving inflow of God. This is a great encouragement to us, for early in our prayer life -- try as we might -- we are unable to truly love God. This love comes little by little, and at first we feel a great of fluctuation in its intensity. High and low, hot and cold. In time, however, our love grows deeper, stronger, more steady.
Peace. At the same time, in slips a peace that cannot be analyzed or dissected -- "a peace that passes understanding," as Paul puts it. (Phil.4:7) This quiet rest, this firmness of life orientation, is not due to the absence of conflict or worry. In fact, it is not an absence at all, but rather a Presence. This peace is interrupted often by a multitude of distractions, especially in the beginning. But no matter -- it is still there, and it is still real. And in time its quiet way wins over the chatter and clatter of our noisy hearts.
Delight. Another movement we begin to experience is delight. A very wise woman -- one who had been through great hardship in her life -- captured the essence of this quality for me when on one occasion she declared, "Fun ahead, saith the Lord!" There is pleasure, friendship, joy -- deep joy. And playfulness. God laughs into our soul and our soul laughs back into God. John of the Cross calls it "the sweet and delightful life of love with God . . . that delightful and wondrous vision." But it is not uninterrupted delight. We experience an ebb and flow, an exquisite delight mingled with a painful yearning.
Emptiness. Which brings us to an opposing, almost contradictory movement in the contemplative life: emptiness. At the very moment we are entering a loving delight, we are also pulled into intense longing, yearning, searching -- searching and not finding. Well, there is a finding of sorts, but not a complete finding. Perhaps we could call it a dissatisfied satisfaction. John of the Cross calls it "a living thirst . . . [the] urgent longing of love."

Often the emptiness is a darkness as well. We experience Deus Absonditus, the God who is hidden from us. dryness too -- a Sahara of the heart. Throughout these experiences solitude is our welcome companion, for we are learning to be alone with the Alone. Please understand this emptiness, this darkness, this dryness is itself a prayer. It is a heavenly communion of an ascetic sort. While delight is a feasting, emptiness is a fasting, and both are needed for the growth of the soul.
Fire. Still another reality we experience as we grow in the contemplative life is fire. Not literal fire, of course, but real fire nonetheless -- in some ways more real than literal fire. The initial movement of love now intensifies, becoming a steady, flaming passion. Anything that causes distance or separation from God -- disobedience or perhaps mere neglect -- is painful in the extreme. So we feel, and even welcome, the purifying fire of God's love burning out the dross: all stubbornness, all hate, all grasping need for self-promotion. And as the self-sins are burned away, the seeds of universal love blossom and flower.

Wisdom. This leads to a still deeper movement of the Spirit: Wisdom. No sterile intellectualism or impersonal awareness, this is a knowing and inflowing of God himself. We are filled with "the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea" (Hab 2:14). We know as we are known. We enter that eternal life which is to "know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent" (John 17:3b). Prayer turns into the deepening self communication of the Trinity, a self-communication we are privileged to listen in on and even participate in.
Transformation. Though it all, God gradually and slowly "captures the inner faculties: first the heart and the will, then the mind, the imagination, and the passions. The result is the transformation of the entire personality into the likeness of Christ. More and more and more we take on his habits, feelings, hopes, faith, and love.

Hope you've been as blessed and challenged by these quotes as I have felt lately. I tend to experience the first three parts with some degree of regularity: love, peace, delight, emptiness. I long to move forward into the realms of fire, wisdom, and transformation. Pray for me!

Peace & Joy,



  1. I just LOVE these words about peace: "This quiet rest, this firmness of life orientation, is not due to the absence of conflict or worry. In fact, it is not an absence at all, but rather a Presence. This peace is interrupted often by a multitude of distractions, especially in the beginning. But no matter -- it is still there, and it is still real. And in time its quiet way wins over the chatter and clatter of our noisy hearts." I can't say I feel this all the time or even most of the time, but I know exactly what he is talking about. Thanks for sharing these beautiful quotes, Adriana. So glad you're finding that this book speaks to your heart. I think I'll have to bump it to the top of my re-read list. I have so many new books on the go right now that it almost seems ridiculous to re-read something, but I know this one is worth it!

    1. Jeannie, this book is meeting me where I am right now. It's lighting up my mind, stirring my heart, and causing me to stare off into space a lot. It's broad, and yet, precise.

      And peace as a Presence -- yes. I'm thinking about the spring silent retreat when I sat down on the swing overlooking the river. I was feeling a bit bummed because my foot was giving me trouble and I wanted so much to stroll around taking pictures like I did in the fall. Then I looked down on saw that someone had written "GOD IS HERE." on the swing with an ink pen. I believe that's the first time I've ever felt touched by vandalism! But, of course -- God WAS there. I just needed to settle down and stop fretting to recognize that.

  2. Delight and Wisdom! So good. The Holy Spirit prays for us and then you get to listen to that.

    The pictures are quiet magical. Esp the early morning and the eagle pic.

    1. Thank you, Sheena! The bird is actually a blue heron. They live near the river. It's rare that one flies toward me. I was grateful to get that shot! I've never seen an eagle where I live, but they are making a comeback in North America. Apparently it's not as unlikely to spot one as it once was.


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