Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My First E-Card

Dear Friend,
This made me smile.

Jeannie Prinsen made it for me. I've never received an e-card before! How fun!
Jeannie blogs at Little House on the Circle. She's witty, wise, and very kind. Hop on over to her place now. I've got a busy mommy day ahead.

(I'm determined to peek my head in here more often, even if it's just to say hello.)

Hope you have a great day!
Soon I'm going to tell you about the silent retreat I went on last Saturday. If you have never been on one before, I'll give you the full scoop.

Gotta run now!
Peace & Joy,



  1. Wow, Adriana, thanks for the shout-out and the kind words! I do look forward to hearing about your retreat.

    1. Clever card, Jeannie, and sent to such a worthy recipient!


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