Sunday, February 26, 2012

With a Little Help From My Friends

I've been trying to work my way through The Well-Educated Mind by myself for way too long.

Not long ago, I discovered  A Classic Case Of Madness -- a witty, thoughtful blog in which three ladies contribute. They are on the same quest, just in a different spot: I started with the auto-biography list; they started with the novel list. I am finishing up Montaigne's Essays; they just finished Jane Eyre. I've decided to switch to the novel list and continue this journey with a little help from my new blog-friends, Christine, Christina and Jeanette.

Ever since Christina left a message on my blog inviting me to jump into the novels with them, I have been turning the idea over in my mind. I honestly can't think of a reason why I shouldn't join them. On the contrary, I can think of a few reasons why I should:

1. Group discussion will aid my comprehension.

2. I will move more quickly with others to keep me accountable.

3. Accountability will help me follow the three step system which is carefully described in WEM.

4. It will be a lot more fun!

What will this mean for Classical Quest?
~More blog posts about my progress with The Well-Educated Mind reading lists.
~Less posts about other reading.

Consider joining us!  You are welcome to join us for a read-along anytime. To find out what we are reading next, visit my "Up Next" page. For the full list go HERE.


  1. I am enjoying following your journey

  2. I'd never heard of that blog before - thanks for sharing! I'll certainly be following along.

  3. I should have replied to this post days ago, but I kept thinking about which one of the Bennet girls I was in that picture, and since I'm probably about as well-grounded as Lydia I didn't want to admit it, especially with all the Scarlet Letter references floating around in my head.

    Anyway, we're so glad to have found all these new WEM web-friends.

  4. Oh, goodness, that comment above was me, Christina, sorry if I've pulled either Jeannette or Christine into my air-headed, giddy implications. I need to figure out how to make sure comments show up as mine, and not just that of our blog.

  5. I'm so excited to find your blog. Enjoy those novels!

  6. Thank you for following Jillian. Glad to have your input.
    Love your blog. You have a very impressive reading list!

  7. Christina -- It helps to know which Bennet girl you are!

    I like to PRETEND I'm Mrs.Bennet just to drive my husband crazy. But really I'm not a Bennet; I'm Elinor Dashwood.


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