Saturday, October 17, 2015

A Feast of Encouragement

Dear Friends, 

I had planned to write an original post today and then my three year old started vomiting last night; so instead, I'll be disinfecting the house and offering my little one sips of Pedialite. 

But in the spirit of resourcefulness and the desire to stay more connected with my blog community, I've decided to share a comment I left at my friend Tim's blog the other day. 

After you read my comment, head over to Tim's place and read his post, "How to Comfort Those Who Are Hurting."

Tim asked this question:

How have you been comforted and encouraged by a person God put in your life?

Recovering in bed at my aunt's house after surgery.

Tim, The most recent time that comes to mind was after my surgery when I went to stay at my Aunt Bonita’s house. She wasn’t able to take off work for more than a day and she was concerned about leaving me alone in the house while she and my uncle were away for several hours. I heard some commotion in the kitchen as I drifted off to sleep that night in her guest bedroom -- the rattling of pots and pans — that sort of thing.
The next morning I woke up alone in soft, clean, white bedding. There was a fortress of coolers around the sides of the bed. I crawled across the comforter and peered inside them. There was yogurt, fruit, muffins, a salad, a turkey sandwich and bottles of cold water. Next to the bed was a small vase of flowers from my Aunt’s garden and a thermos of hot coffee! Every need had been considered and tended to in advance. I felt so loved!
I called to thank her and told her I felt like Sara Crewe in a Little Princess when she and her friend Becky awaken to a feast which had been secretly prepared for them by a compassionate neighbor.
Now it's your turn: how have you been comforted or encouraged lately?
I'd love to know.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

I'm walking again!

Dear Friends,

Where to begin?
It's been so long since I've posted anything that I'm not sure if anyone will even read this!

After months of recovery, I'm now back on my feet and moving forward. Last week I walked a mile for the first time since my surgery -- and let me tell you -- It felt like an enormous accomplishment. I could not believe how sore and tired I felt after I finished. I soaked in a chamomile epsom salt bath until the water was cold! But the experience of walking down a country road fills my senses in a way nothing else can. I've missed it very much.

Since then I've walked the same route every day. Each time I feel a little less sore and a little bit stronger! Still, I bought three bags of epsom salts at the grocery store to be prepared for the worst aches and pains.

You can expect my quest to focus on healthy living in the coming months because that is what I'm into presently. A year of therapy has helped me emerge from a debilitating depression. My feet have been reshaped by my surgeon and restored by time. Now I'm eager to more forward to a stronger, brighter future.

You can also expect me to write more about educating children. I'm now homeschooling my daughters, ages twelve and three years, and of course I still help my three sons with homework in the evenings -- a task that can take up to two hours!

Hope all is well in your corner of the world.

Your busy, yet happy friend,


P.S. I just started the last book on my WEM fiction listPossession by A.S. Byatt. Looking forward to starting autobiographies soon!