Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Upcoming Synchro-Reads (So You Can Plan Ahead)

Upcoming Classical Quest Synchro-Reads for Winter 2013:

February 4 - 9 The Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan (Part One only!)

February 14 - March 8  Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen 

What is a synchro-read?

It's basically a read-along. The difference is that with a synchro-read the accountability is more frequent (every day) whereas with a read-along there is usually a weekly check-in. I've chosen to host all of my synchro-reads on the Classical Quest Facebook page. I post a status update whenever I finish a chapter. Usually I post live as I go; however, now and then I will update you on what I've read within the past 24 hrs.

You can keep track of my progress and occasionally chime in to let everyone know where you are. You can also share a quote from the day's reading, ask a question, or give an insight. It's fun. 

Currently we are in the midst of "The Portrait of a Lady Synchro-Read". "Like" Classical Quest on Facebook to follow our progress.

If you think you might like to join us for Part One of The Pilgrim's Progress, you can purchase the edition I will be reading here.

I've also decided to do something else a little different for this novel: I've purchase the unabridged audio version, read by Max McLean, for my Kindle. I'll listen as I read along with pencil in hand. You can listen to a sample here.

Last spring I read Moby-Dick this way -- Penguin edition paperback along with Frank Muller as narrator. It was awesome. I wasn't bored for a moment! His straightforward American accent with its slightly wry intonation did the novel justice. For quite a while I've been thinking about indulging in an audio version again. I feel confident The Pilgrim's Progress will be a good fit. The rich, sincere sound of Max McLean's voice makes me feel repentant.

If you are interested in studying the history of the novel, you won't want to skip The Pilgrim's Progress. Please leave a comment (here or on Facebook) if you plan to join me February 4th!


  1. Yay! You are going to read PP and P&P. You will love both of them, I am sure. What, if anything, influenced your decision to go back to those titles?

    1. You noticed! :) I just feel like I'm functioning at a bit of a disadvantage. It seems like the titles I skipped were pretty important in the grand scheme of things. I've reached a point where I don't want to move on w/o them. I'm going to try to push myself to move a little faster than I have been up to this point so I won't be out of line for too long!

      One thing is for certain: when we start the autobiography list I want to be stepping in sync with our WEM team! I might read Confessions and Montaigne's essays again. I've learned so much about HOW to read and take notes on these books in the last year that I want to give these two a second look.

      I was thinking about writing a post about this soon. Thank you for asking.

  2. My wife and I saw Max McLean perform The Screwtape Letters. Thoroughly enjoyable.

    1. I just HAD to search that and watch a clip on YouTube. That looks like awesome sauce! :)

  3. I'm not sure about the synchro-read, but I just had to comment on the beautiful picture of the kids with the superhero capes. (Your photos are so full of light.) I love how they're holding hands. Even superheroes need a little help & encouragement as they save the world.

    1. Awww...Thank you, Jeannie! I took that picture the summer before last. I'm not sure my eldest would wear a towel-cape and play make believe now! :) Sweet memories...

  4. Thanks for coming and visiting and for letting me know about your new header. Oh yes, M'dear, it's beautiful! Wow!

    Have to come and catch up visit... but I'm off and away to spend the day with my mom and sister. So will look forward to chatting again soon.

    Wishing you glimpses.....

    1. "... of heaven in unexpected places" (Love your blessing dear Brenda. :)

      When I read your gray (or rather, grey) post I was SO excited! I don't think my header would have thrilled me so much if the sky had been blue that day.

      I always think of you whenever I flip through my old Victoria magazines. I still adore Toshi Otsuki's photography. I only recently realized the magnitude of his influence on me. Wouldn't it be dreamy to meet with him and learn from him? But then, maybe I should start with the basics. I've never taken the first photography lesson. Have you? I LOVE your pics. :)

      Hope you have a splendid time with your mom and sister today! Wishing you glimpses as well! Take care and please don't feel obligated to drop by unless you want to. I know you are very busy making the world a more beautiful place!



Comments make my day! I read each one and try to respond within 24 hrs. If you choose to comment anonymously, please leave your first name, pen name, or nickname in the comment box along with your comment. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!

