Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Crossing Off P&P and Why I'm Reading Gulliver's Travels

Yesterday at 2:55PM -- just before tea -- I completed Jane Austen's exceedingly fine novel -- Pride & Prejudice! (I daresay -- Miss Austen was rather fond of dashes -- do you not agree?)

Next up is Gulliver's Travels.  I saw a movie version a few years ago that I didn't like. I was going to skip it until I read Chapter 7 of Karen Swallow Prior's Booked: Literature in the Soul of Me, which in entitled, "Sex, Symbol, and Satire: Gulliver's Travels." As Prior says:

 . . . everything I needed to know about sex I could have learned from a celibate, eighteenth-century, Anglican priest named Jonathan Swift.

So, see? How could I skip GT after reading that?

She goes on to say:

Swift understood, too, the power of symbols and the importance of community, and how both of these are as much a part of what it means to be fully human as sex is.

I own a Dover Thrift Edition, but I've decided to use an annotated version instead. I just ordered it, so it looks like I'm going to have a few days "off" to work on spring cleaning and read The Gifts of Imperfection.

Trying to decide if I should syncro-read Gulliver's Travels. Anyone up for it? 


  1. Hi, Adrianna,
    Yay! You completed P&P. As for GT, have fun. I do not see myself re-reading GT, however, I am really glad I did read it all the way through b/c it truly was an adventure. It was shocking in some places, and I cannot believe I let my 4th grader read it before I ever did. You'll see what I mean. My favorite part was taking on Swift during my inquiries (ie. What is the author's argument?)

    1. I'm glad to know you are glad you read it! I think I will need a good bit of encouragement for this one! But I've been in this spot before (with Moby Dick) and I ended up being surprised. I can't wait to read your argument!

  2. OK, now I have to read Booked, Listen, AND The Gifts of Imperfection (I love Brene Brown). I also have three unopened library books on my shelf, as well as Ellen Painter Dollar's No Easy Choice, which I just bought.... Whew!

    At least Mr. Darcy would be proud that we are becoming more accomplished women by "the improvement of our minds by extensive reading."

    1. The Gifts of Imperfection is easy to digest, and well worth it. It's been helpful so far.

      It's fascinating to see a modern day secular researcher expound on some universal principals she discovered in her research which we also have access to in the Bible.

      Oh -- and I do indeed think Mr. D would be very proud of our reading habits!:)

    2. He might even dare to admit that "promiscuity" (in reading, that is) can be part of a woman's accomplishments. Hmm, Proverbs 31 certainly didn't mention THAT.....

  3. I have to ask: What was your favorite part of P&P?

    1. I'm trying not to over-think it, Tim. The first thing that comes to mind is Lady Catherine's visit to Longbourne. I enjoyed the exchange between Lady C and Elizabeth immensely.

    2. Lady C's diatribe was good. For me, I always crack up when Mr. C is proposing to Lizzie. That and when Mr. Bennet is yanking the guy's chain at the dinner table.

      In a different vein, I also love the scene at the Inn where Lizzie has just received Jane's letter and Darcy walks in. He handles it all so well. I don't know why people would ever doubt that he was already trying to figure out a way to take care of things for her. It's all over the page!

    3. Yes! Those are all great scenes too! I'm glad you asked this question because you have helped me decide which scene to pull a quote from for my Friday Quote!

  4. Sounds exciting! But I am not done with P&P yet. I have not noticed the dashes! I will take note of them from now on --ha! I hope I could finish the book before the month ends so I could join your syncro-read if you decide to have one(oh pls do held a ball for us Mr. Bingley!)

    I have read The Gifts of Imperfection :) It's something you have to fully grasp and accept because it's about shame and vulnerability. wew! But it's a process. (Im not fully sure if I know what im talking. haha) So anyway, enjoy your days off! :)

    P.S. The rated PG made me laugh :)

    1. hehe :)

      You know we can't talk about s_x without a PG rating, can we?

      I agree with you: showing courage through vulnerability is a process not a one-time decision! It's hard work, but SO worth it! And you know, we should also be careful to chose a safe and trusted circle of friends to share our hearts with! "Cast not your pearls before swine." -- as the Bible says. :)


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