Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Quote: A New Delicious Bliss

...alone with [Kitty] he felt, now that the thought of her approaching motherhood was never for a moment absent from his mind, a new and delicious bliss, quite pure from sensuality, in being near the woman he loved. There was no need for speech, yet he longed to hear the sound of her voice, which like her eyes, had changed since she had  been with child. In her voice, as in her eyes, there was that softness and gravity which is found in people continually concentrated on some cherished pursuit. 
Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina (Part VI, Chapter 3)


  1. That's a lovely quote. I especially like the last part: "that softness and gravity which is found in people continually concentrated on some cherished pursuit." I wouldn't have associated that with pregnancy but it's such a keen observation. Tolstoy has a unique way of seeing.

    The only Tolstoy I've ever read is some short stories (mostly for school), but I really think I have to get into his novels. Would you say AK is a good starting point?

    1. I'm in awe of the depth of Tolstoy's perception, Jeannie! AK was a wonderful intro for me; so yes, I would highly recommend it!

      I'm now reading a book of quotes he compiled and read every day for the last five yrs of his life: A Calendar of Wisdom - Daily Thoughts to Nourish the Soul.

  2. Sometimes I consider learning Russian just to read Tolstoy and Dostoevsky in their original language. When I read some of their stuff, I just want to know so badly the exact way they would have said it.

    1. Russian is beautiful! When I spent time in Moscow, I was struck by how lovely it sounded. Reading T & D in their original language would be dreamy.


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