Saturday, October 19, 2013

Post Card

Dear Friend, 

Dad recently tapped on my door with a box of fresh produce! It was all so lovely I suggested we take a picture. I've already roasted the squash and parsnips. What's your favorite way to serve eggplant?

It's raining buckets right now. I'm making the most of my full cistern by getting caught up on laundry. Four of my kids are at an all-day outing so the house is pretty quiet. I'm listening to Malcolm Gladwell's new book David and Goliath while folding clothes. If I can get ahead on things, I hope to finish Jane Eyre this weekend. Do you remember how I headed up a "Jane Eyre Synchro-Read"? I think everyone else finished a couple weeks ago! (sigh) 

Hope you are well.
Peace & Joy,


  1. Sounds cozy and peaceful! Great day for laundry and reading! :)

    Your'e not alone - my grand reading plans fell through, too! I finished the first half of Don Quixote and thought I'd celebrate by taking a break from it and joining you for your Jane Eyre synchro-read (a reread for me). I got maybe a third through and then due to some financial problems had to go back to work and have been super busy (and trying to trust God instead of stressing out) for the past month or so. Some day I'll get back to the books. Sounds like you have been very busy with lots of good and worthwhile things, like being a great mom and hosting your fellowship group. Blessings on you, and enjoy today's opportunity to read and maybe even finish Jane. :)

    Oh, and this morning I got an email from my son saying he just attended a presentation by Malcolm Gladwell at Barnes and Noble in NYC, and got an autographed copy of that book! He is loving it!

    1. Dearest Sandy,

      Your comment makes me think of the seasons of life. Sometimes we have to place nearly all our focus in one direction! I often ask myself: How do I move forward on my quest when external stresses weigh me down? I'll tell you what has helped me the most -- YOUR ADVICE! So, I'm sending it back to you with a big hug: "Please give yourself lots and lots of grace!" -- You sent me this message at a time when I really needed it and I STILL think of it just about every day. ♥ Take a break if you have to. DQ has been around for 400 years; he's not going anywhere! :-) And as for Jane Eyre -- I'm very familiar with the plot; so for me, reading the book is kind of like visiting my new friend Charlotte Bronte. It is delightful when we can manage to coordinate our schedules.


      P.S. SO neat about your son meeting MG! How fun! His book is excellent. Highly recommend.

    2. Thanks so much- your reply made me chuckle (about how DQ isn't going anywhere!) and made me get tears in my eyes. <: )

  2. Fall has the most beautiful colours, doesn't it? I love your picture.

    I have never cooked eggplant. (Does that make me a bad person?) I have, however, cooked eggs.

    1. Ha! I had to read this twice, Jeannie, to figure out what eggs had to do with it! :-) Oh my. I am such a genius . . .
      About eggplant: I've fried it in olive oil a few times. I think it tastes great served as a side with spaghetti. But my kids call it "alligator meat." Someone on my FB page mentioned a dish called "moussaka" which is a Greek dish. I have a weakness for Greek food, so we'll see. The recipe is a bit involved: Prep time is 2hrs.

  3. A gorgeous postcard to capture such wondrous bounty. :-) How lovely to receive such goodness!! :-) I've been processing apples lately since the markets are getting rid of the fridge stock to make way for the new bounty coming up. They aren't pretty fruits but they taste mighty fine juiced or put into pies. :-)

    1. Can't wait to see what scrumptious treats you create with the apples, Krista! :-)


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