Monday, January 27, 2014

Blogiversary! (I'm back early from my break.)

Dear Friend,

Classical Quest is two years old today!

My little blog is a toddler now.

I wish I could spend this day with all my wonderful blog-friends in person. I'd love to celebrate with a slab of The Best German Chocolate Cake in All the Land from Yammie's Noshery. *

I keep thinking about how this second year of blogging has turned out to be "The Year I Learned How to Guest Post and How to Host Guest Posts." 

Karen Swallow Prior was here in March. Oh my goodness. So exciting! Karen is the author of Booked: Literature in the Soul of Me -- a book which really struck a chord with me. Hosting her here was delightful.

In April I hosted a moving post by my friend Tim Fall, who blogs at Just One Train Wreck After Another. (Psst . . . Today is Tim's birthday.)

My friend Jeannie Prinsen is a writing instructor for Queen's University in Canada. She shared one of her stunning poems here in November. Jeannie blogs at Little House on the Circle.

Also in November, I was offered a post by award-winning author Anita Mathias -- which I accepted with joy! Anita blogs from Oxford at Dreaming Beneath the Spires.

And finally, I read a poem by Sheena Señara which she wrote in response to the devastation caused by Super-Typhoon Haiyan. I felt honored that she was willing to share this tender post with my readers and me. Sheena blogs at Tabulyogang

I was a guest at other blogs twice this year.

I was a nervous wreck until each of the posts went up . . . and then, once they were posted (and there was no turning back) I had a blast! (Thank you so much for the experience, Jeannie and Tim!)

My historic first guest post was "Embracing the Gospel Through Racial Reconciliation" which went up at Just One Train Wreck After Another in October.

The second was "The Story of a Life in Three Quilts" which was posted at Little House on the Circle.

So that's it for the guest post links. I'm glad to be back to blogging again. I've missed it.

Hope you are well!


* Twenty-one year old Yammie cooks for her large family. She's a charming blogger and a culinary genius. She was recently acknowledged by the Huffington Post.You're going to love her blog.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Christine!
      Hey -- I want to visit the Harriet Beecher Stowe House in the spring. Do you want to go with me?

  2. Wonderful to see you back, Adriana! Happy blogiversary! I'm so glad to see the opportunities you had last year to guest-post and guest-post-host!

    According to Mary Anne (who posted on Tim's blog today), this is also Chocolate Cake Day. Not that there is ever a bad day to have chocolate cake, but really, you couldn't have timed it better.

    1. Thank you, Jeannie. I really enjoyed teaming up with you on the photo-poem projects. I hope we can do one again before too long!

      Now, about Chocolate Cake Day -- I had no idea! I just thought if I could have any cake for my special day, that would be it. Perfection! :-)

  3. I'm so glad you're back, lovely! I've missed you. :-) XO

  4. Happy Blogiversary, Adriana, and thanks for the shout-out! I am really looking forward to your posts resuming. How about another guest post at my place? You could do a follow up to my two pieces on Uncle Tom's cabin, perhaps? Or anything at all. I'll beg if I have to!


    1. No need to beg! :-) I'm looking forward to posting at your place again. Probably something else along the line of racial reconciliation. An Uncle Tom's Cabin post just might be the thing. I'll ponder it. Thank you!

  5. Welcome back Adriana! And happy blogiversary!(sorry late greetings haha) Your blog as a toddler and the toddler pic made me smile. too cute!

    1. Thank you so much, Sheena. I'm hoping that my little toddling blog will learn how to speak this year! ;-)


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