Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday Night Vlog: To Calm and Restore Your Spirit

Dear Friend,
I had another opportunity to create another video for you last night. I hope this passage will help to calm and restore your spirit for the week ahead.   
Pride imitates what is lofty; but you alone are God most high above all things. What does ambition seek but honor and glory? Yet you alone are worthy of honor and are glorious for eternity. The cruelty of powerful people aims to arouse fear. Who is to be feared but God alone? What can be seized or stolen from his power? When or where or how or by whom? Soft endearments are intended to arouse love. But there are no caresses tenderer than you charity, and no object of love is more healthy than your truth, beautiful and luminous beyond all things. Curiosity appears to be a zeal for knowledge; yet you supremely know all. Ignorance and stupidity are given the names of simplicity and innocence; but there is no greater simplicity than in you. And what greater innocence than yours, whereas to evil men their own works are damaging? Idleness appears as desire for a quiet life; yet can rest be assured apart from the Lord? Luxury wants to be called abundance and satiety; but you are fullness and the inexhaustible treasure of incorruptible pleasure. Prodigality presents itself under the shadow of generosity; but you are the rich bestower of all good things. Avarice wishes to have large possessions; you possess everything. Envy contends about excellence; but what is more excellent than you? Anger seeks revenge; who avenges with greater justice than you? Fear quails before sudden and unexpected events attacking things which are loved, and takes precautions for their safety; to you is anything unexpected or sudden? Or who can take away from you what you love? There is no reliable security except with you. Regret wastes away for the loss of things which cupidity delighted in. Its wish would be that nothing be taken away, just as nothing can be taken from you.
Confessions of St. Augustine Book II, (14)

Peace & Joy,


  1. That was so enjoyable to listen to. I am hoping to begin The Confessions next month. Do you think you can Vlog the entire book by then so I can just listen to an audio version by you via your wonderful videos of the outdoors?

    1. Ruth and Sheena, Thank you for the encouragement! Wow -- reading Confessions would be a dream project for me! Maybe I'll be able to do something like that in a few years when my baby goes to school. In the mean time, I'll try to vlog more passages from it whenever I can square away enough quiet time to concentrate! Glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Beautiful, Adriana! I loved listening to that. Your voice is lovely. And the passage is so interesting: how we often give more attractive names to vices and sins, yet God provides all of the things we are seeking and more.

    1. Thank you, Jeannie! Yes -- this passage is such a great reminder for me. And I love how it is written as a prayer. Reading it aloud is a humbling experience.

  3. I'm glad you went back out to the fire and put on a couple more logs, Adriana. Augustine provides a way of looking at God in those juxtapositions that sounds fresh, yet we know are over 1500 years old. Timeless.


    P.S. By the way, you pronounced "satiety" just right. Your vlogs are so much classier than my video attempt. Hmm, maybe that's why your blog has "Classical" in its title and mine's a train wreck. ;-)

    1. Oh Tim! The way you understate your mental prowess from time to time is the definition of "classy." :-)


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