Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Quote that Changed my Life (An Autumn Ramble)

by Adriana

When walking with a friend I've always found it's easier for me to share the deepest parts of myself -- the mistakes I've made, my strengths, my weaknesses, the things I'm most grateful for, my fears,

and my dreams for the future.

You have a dream too. I know you do. (We all do.)

If you were walking by my side over these hills and through these autumn meadows, what would you share with me? What kind of person are you striving to be? 

Nearly a year ago, I read a quote that changed me. I'd like to share it with you because maybe it's just what you need too.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit. ~ Aristotle

The first time I read that, something connected deep within me. I thought, Am I going to spend the rest of my life talking about what I want to do? Reading about it? Day dreaming? No! 

That was the day I started Classical Quest. I've been writing something pretty much every day since -- somedays I write a blog post, often it's just a summary which I jot with a pencil at the end of a chapter of classic literature -- but something!  Recently, I referred to my self as a writer. It came out naturally. I didn't feel awkward about saying it because writing is what I do. A writer is who I am.

What do you do repeatedly? Are you engaged in an excellent habit? It is our habits which define us. They give us a name. They make us who we are.

Here's how I would describe myself based on the positive habits I engage in repeatedly:

giver of affection, advocate for the misunderstood, life-sustainer, memory-maker, vision-caster, mood-setter, self-educator, walker/jogger, photographer, face-reader, deep thinker, person of prayer (How do I say that? Pray-er? Supplicant?) quote-collector, reader, writer

(I'm not going to share my negative habits today!)

The discipline of creation, be it to paint, compose, write, is an effort toward wholeness ...

The artist cannot hold back; it is impossible, because writing, or any other discipline of art, involves participation in suffering, in the ills and the occasional stabbing joys that come from being part of the human drama. ~ Madeline L'Engle

Some of you are hurting. Some of you don't feel whole. There is a nagging ache in your heart because you know there is something you should be doing with your life. I want to encourage you  to set your excellent habit into motion. Don't say, "I don't have time."  --  Our great-grandmothers didn't have time, because they had to churn their own butter and sew their own clothes, but most of us do have time. Turn off the television, shut down your Facebook account -- do whatever you have to do. Life is fleeting. Begin today in some small way. If you are not sure how to begin, feel free to email me at Perhaps I can point you in the direction of a blogger who is on a similar journey.

Do you agree that excellence is a habit?

What new habit do you want to cultivate?

I've shared my positive habits with you. I hope you will share yours with me. I am so inspired by my readers and I want to get to know each of you better. 

How would you describe yourself based on the excellent habits you engage in repeatedly?

(If this post was an encouragement to you, please "like" Classical Quest on Facebook. Thank you!)


  1. Oooh, I like this! Unfortunately, the things I do repeatedly seem to be the ways I fritter away my time. I'm sure there are some good things, too, but I definitely need to live more intentionally! I'm going to ponder this today. I'll probably email you. : ) Time to take action. Thanks for the challenge and the encouragement!

  2. One habit/charactrer trait that God has been developing in me is encouragement. It's a habit my wife has modeled for me throughout our marriage, engaging in practical ways to support and help those who need it, able to identify who can use a helping hand or kind word. It has not always been my forte, but through her example and the sanctifying work of the Spirit I have been getting better at it.

    1. I love to hear about your wife Tim! I'm so glad she encouraged you to start a blog!

      In her ebook Work Shift, Anne Bogel brought up how important it is that each spouse is fully committed the other's growth as a person. THAT is an excellent habit which not only blesses one's spouse but also the rest of the world!

      You are indeed an encouragement -- I would also add "wise counselor" and "laughter inducer"!

    2. "laughter inducer" - that's why I put my picture at the top of my blog.

  3. This is a fantastic post that has really made me think!

    1. Thank you so much for the positive feedback Jennifer!

  4. I love this so much, Adriana. :-) I too do my best talking on walks. Somehow it makes the words flow better. I'd love to go on an Autumn ramble with you and discuss these things. What I repeatedly do? Oh, this going to give me much to ponder tonight. :-)

    1. When I'm stuck and I just can't seem to put two sensible thoughts together, a long ramble always straightens me out!

      Thinking with a pang in my heart of our wonderful times taking long, long walks together through the streets of Moscow!

      We WILL walk and talk together in person again -- I'm sure of it. (Until then, I'm SO glad we have our blogs to keep us connected!)

  5. I find your blog inspiring. It is such a delight to follow

    1. Well, thank you! I enjoyed my visit to your blog as well!

  6. I have been feeling pretty low lately. I feel like i should be doing something else instead. I feel old. Seriously. I want to laugh. Wew. I'm glad i found your blog. Your header picture has calm me. I want to cry and laugh at the same time. Im sorry, this is pretty crazy. But thanks. Also the picture with the babies tells me there is still hope and life has always been beautiful. But i am pretty sad now.

    1. Life IS beautiful, dear one. :)
      I am praying for you now! I hope you will feel encouraged.

      I enjoyed visiting your blog. You are letting your light shine! Keep on being a beacon of light! You're doing a great job!



    2. Hello, Adriana. Thank you for praying for me :) I feel better now. I wake up feeling really good this morning. God's mercy is renewed. The gift of a new day. Thanks again :)

      Blessings to you too and your family!

    3. I'm so glad to know you are feeling better. Mornings often bring me a fresh perspective when I'm feeling low. God is good. :)


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