Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My Experience with Bill Gothard's Cult

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Dear Friend,

I feel lighter after mentioning the cult I was brought up with in yesterday's post. I've known for a while I would start discussing it in the blogosphere eventually -- but as the saying goes, "The dread is worse than the doing." 

Half way through writing that post I thought, "It's time. Spit it out now!" 

It matters to me how I phrase things. I've tried to say, "I was raised in a cult," and that's not right. I was raised in a home -- a loving home. My spirit and creativity was mostly encouraged. I was rarely depressed as a young person. I was protected. My parents were not abusive. For the most part they used Bill Gothard's material as a tool. Whenever we had disagreements, we would come together and try to find the "root cause" of our conflicts as Gothard had showed us to do. None of this was harmful.

I was influenced by a cult leader for many of my formative years -- I'll put it that way.

You might think of the Duggar family when you read about ATI homeschooling, but that wasn't us. I was the oldest of four. We dressed in our long skirts for the big Knoxville conference in the early 90s, but at home I was allowed to wear pants. Rock music and most movies were not allowed, but I had plenty of aunts and uncles who occasionally let me break a few rules when I visited their homes. I wasn't completely culturally illiterate! 

Classical music was allowed, though my parents and siblings didn't have a taste for it. Oddly, I turned to our local classical radio station as a way to assert my independence. Beethoven, Mozart, and Chopin were my teenage heartthrobs! Even now I have to be in the mood for music with a back beat. It's not my native sound.

Though my parents attended Gothard's seminars 13 times, I was only homeschooled for the last three years of high school. Before that I attended public grade school and a private middle school. Once we started homeschooling, most of my education became self-directed. I went to one Basic Seminar. I never attended an Advanced Seminar.

The real danger for me was how I was indoctrinated by Gothard's ideology when I was old enough to leave my family and go away for short jaunts to serve in his ministry. I was coaxed into making commitments I didn't fully understand. I took his teachings to heart and became quite prideful about what I considered to be my superior spiritual understanding. 

So that's where I'll try to pick up next time -- my first trip abroad with 100 other students and Bill Gothard.

Hope you are well!



  1. A wise person has told me many times, "Eat the fish, spit out the bones." I'll pray for you as you are sorting this through.

  2. Your cross stitching looks lovely.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer! It helps me relax and contemplate things.

  3. Very interesting, Adriana -- I look forward to hearing more of your story. And I like Christine's advice above, too.

    1. I wish Christine would get back into blogging so you could get to know her better, Jeannie! She's a true-blue friend.

    2. Wow, Adriana, Thank you! Jeannie, the advice is straight from Adriana. She's told me that before and it has helped me.

  4. Oh, wow. Praying that the doing continues to be easier than the dreading, and I'm looking forward to reading more of your (unfolding) story.

  5. When you've mentioned your visits to Russia as a younger woman, I found myself wondering if you were a part of ATIA during those years. May sharing your story of how the Gothard movement has influenced you bring you greater clarity - and encourage others as well. Blessings, Adriana!

    1. You guessed correctly, Michelle. Your encouragement means so much! Thank you!

  6. "coaxed into making commitments I didn't fully understand" - yes, that was a terrible burden to put on anyone. XO I'm so glad you are safe and free and loved now. XO

  7. I'm clicking over to read the next installment right now, Adriana!


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