Monday, March 11, 2013

Special Announcement! And an Update

On Thursday March 14, Classical Quest is hosting a guest post by author Karen Swallow Prior!

I know, I know -- It is hard to believe. But I'm not kidding! I keep pinching myself!

Recently, I wrote a review of  Booked: Literature in the Soul of Me. If you missed my review, you can read it HERE

In the mean time -- Oh my goodness! -- I've got to tidy things up before my guest arrives!

I took a stroll around my blog today and I realized that my "About" page was over a year old and kind of dry. I've written a short introduction for new readers and a longer page with a little more about me for readers who have been following Classical Quest for a long time, yet still don't feel as though they know me very well!

I've always felt that having over company is a good motivator to get a few extra thing done!


  1. Wow, that's exciting. I can't wait to read her post. I can't wait to read her BOOK!!

    1. I'm trying to stay cool, calm and collected, Jeannie. But the truth is I keep tearing up about it! I LOVE her book and it is a HUGE honor for me to host her here. :)

  2. Thursday can't come soon enough!


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