Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My First Guest Post:Embracing the Gospel

Dear Friend, 

Today is a big day in my blogging life! My first guest post is up at Tim Fall's blog, Just One Train Wreck After Another. I wrote about a subject which is dear to my heart: embracing the Gospel through racial reconciliation. 

I dedicate my first guest post to Keilind, who recently turned eight. 
Happy Birthday, Keilind!

My husband Joe is a masonry contractor. A few months ago he was building a parking garage in our city. At lunch time he and his brick mason walked across the street to a small corner store. The proprietor was a black man of late middle age. He nodded in greeting to these two white men as they entered.

“I honestly just wanted to be friendly to the guy,” Joe told me later. “I tried to start a conversation. I noticed that he was playing heavy metal in the place. I thought that was odd, so I said, ‘This don’t sound like your kind of music.’”

A shadow passed over the man’s face. Joe’s employee cringed and looked away.

“Now, why would you say that?” asked the shop owner.

Peace & Joy,



  1. I am so grateful for this, Adriana. Thanks for sharing Joe's story with us at my blog.

    1. It's a joy and an honor, Tim. Thank you for your hospitality at the Train Wreck. You make a guest feel welcome!

  2. I told my husband & daughter your (Joe's) story at supper last night, Adriana -- they both teared up about it! And then my husband read it in full later and really liked it. I'm so glad that you shared it -- it has many very important lessons in it.

    1. Wow. I guess I'm learning about the power of a story. I was moved when Joe told me; I'm really glad that others have been able to experience it too. Thank you for letting me know how your family responded to it! And you know, there were lessons in it that I had not really considered until they were brought up by Tim's readers in the comments section. I felt like THEY were teaching ME! What a unique experience. I'm really excited about writing a post for you next, Jeannie! ♥

    2. ANY time, ANY topic. Just say the word.


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